Medina 'On The Square' Farmer's Market Saturday's October 2, 9 and final day Oct 16th 9-1pm Cle Market Falls Day In The Park Sunday October 3rd (Go Browns!) at East River Park in Olmsted Township 1-4pm Cle Market Fall Shopping, Food & Fun in North Royalton 'On The Green' Saturday October 9th 11-3pm Cle Market Olmsted Township 26918 Cook Road Sunday October 10th 11-3 pm
Schedule late August-September 2021
Cleveland Garlic Fest August 28-29th. I will be set up as 'GARDEN GARLIC SEASONING' brand Sunday August 29th 12-5pm'Vintage Marketplace' in Olmsted Falls Saturday September 4th Medina On The Square Farmer's Market 9-1pm Sunday September 5th 11-4pm Maker Town at the Vibe Garden / Saucy Brew Works in Ohio City more September events will post soon! Questions? call or text me 440-785-1844
Schedule July 4th - July 11th
It's been great getting out again, seeing familiar smiling faces! Now I have to get used to recognizing customers without their masks! Lol Saturday July 4th Medina 'On The Square' Farmer's Market 9-1pm Wednesday July 8th Cle Market Coe Lake in Berea 4-8pm Saturday July 10th Medina 'On The Square' Farmer's Market 9-1pm Sunday July 11th Maker Town in Cleveland at the Saucy Brew Works outdoor 'Vibe Garden' 2828 Clinton Ave Cleve 44113
Weekend Schedule June 12, 13th
Saturday June 12th Westside Flea/ North Olmsted Community Park 9-2pm Saturday June 12th Cle Market/ North Royalton 'On The Green' 11-3pm Sunday June 13th Cle Market/ Fairview Park 'Young's Art Center' 11-3pm see you soon!
Spring Has Sprung! Spring Event Schedule
Indoor/outdoor market shopping
Saturday April 10th 11-4pm, Sunday April 11th 11-4pm / Avant Garde Strongsville Spring Show / Ehrnfelt Recreation Center Saturday April 17th 10-4pm / Avant Garde Avon Spring Show / Emerald Event Center Sunday April 18th 11-4pm / Cle Market Olmsted Township / outdoors Saturday May 8th 11-4 / Cle Market North Royalton 'On The Green' / outdoors Saturdays 9-1pm beginning May 15th Medina 'On The Square' Farmer's Market / outdoors Sunday May 16th 11-4 pm / Cle Market Olmsted Township / outdoors Wednesday May 19th 4-8pm / Cle Market Coe Lake Berea / outdoors Summer Bookings will post here mid...